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Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm - gasp - writing!

You may have noticed that I haven't had much time to blog this week, and I'm sorry about that. We're still adapting to the school schedule, yes, but I've been spending a lot of time slapping my muse around and trying to wake her up! At this point I can say that I am officially writing again - a huge source of happiness for me since it had been a full month since I'd been able to write. I hope to have a post up tomorrow, and resume my regular schedule next week.

Yay, writing!

The added benefit is that I'll be having many more topics to blog about at the same time...


  1. Yay for writing. Can't wait to read the next story!

  2. Glad you're writing again. I went four weeks without writing a word. It's a big wall. But, I did write 200 words the other day, which felt good, even though I'm about 50,000 words short of where I hoped to be by now.

  3. Andrea, thanks. Yes, I miss it desperately. When the ideas are flowing and I can't get them down, I get really frustrated; when I'm off-sync and can't seem to have ideas, I get a bit dejected. I do have to just go with the flow a lot. But when I can start again I smile!

    Joshua, thank you very much. If I counted words by goal, I'd get myself so down I wouldn't be able to function! So I just keep my eyes on the next thing, for the most part. I do have major goals, but I tend to hold them in a rather flexible status.

  4. I had been trying to set myself a weekly goal without worrying about the end word count, and was doing great, but just hit a major wall. Unpredicted factors increased stress, and decreased productivity and creativity. Coming out of the fog, I think.

  5. Doesn't it feel fantastic when you're writing again after such a long time of nothing? Enjoy! :D

  6. Good luck, Joshua!

    Corinne, yes it does. Thanks!
