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Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome to 2014 at TalkToYoUniverse! + Topics for January Hangouts

Happy New Year, everyone!

I'm very excited about this year, both in terms of my writing and my hangouts. We've got some great guest authors coming up (Myke Cole and Brad Beaulieu)! So let me start by announcing the worldbuilding hangout topics for January:

Thursday, January 9th, 11am PST: Colors

Thursday, January 16th, 11am PST: Misunderstandings

Thursday, January 23rd, SPECIAL TIME 4pm PST: Guest Author Myke Cole will talk about his forthcoming book, Breach Zone!

Thursday, January 30th, 11am PST: Privilege and Intersectionality

I'm looking forward to talking to you. Brad Beaulieu will be joining us on February 13th at 4pm PST, to talk about the worldbuilding in his Lays of Anuskaya series... I'll announce that again at the start of February. If any of you out there have books coming out and would like to join us as a guest speaker, please contact me - we always love to talk about something new!

This year is also going to see two of my stories coming out (so far!). This month will bring the inaugural issue of STRAEON anthology, led by my story "Lady Sakura's Letters," and later this spring my story "Mind Locker" will be appearing in Analog Science Fiction and Fact. I'll give you more specific information about those releases when I have it.

Last year I achieved two major writing goals: one, to increase my short story productivity, and two, to meet anthology deadlines. The achievement of these goals cut my blogging back a bit as you may have noticed. This year I'll be working hard on marketing both short stories and novels, so you can expect me to post Mondays, Wednesdays (TTYU Retro), and Fridays (Hangout reports). I'm also open to guest posts, so contact me if you're interested.

Thanks for being so great and continuing to explore universes with me!


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