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Monday, June 6, 2016

Table of Contents

  1. Alien Senses
  2. Architecture
  3. Armies, with author Myke Cole
  4. Autonomy, Individuality, and Identity
  5. Back History of Declining Societies
  6. Bathing and Laundry
  7. Bathrooms 
  8. The Body as a Record of Personal Experience and Cultural Identity 
  9. Body Modification
  10. Book Titles 
  11. Building a world after starting your story
  12. Charity vs. Justice 
  13. Cities
  14. Cities: Making your city work
  15. Colonialism and Imperialism
  16. Colorism
  17. Colors
  18. Corruption 
  19. Costumes 
  20. Crime and Criminals
  21. Cultural Ideologies
  22. Cultural Interactions/Linking large-scale and small-scale phenomena
  23. The Culture of Death
  24. The Culture of Oppression
  25. Culture Shock
  26. Death and Funerals 
  27. Dentistry
  28. Dialects and Voice 
  29. Dining and Eating Practices
  30. Disability and Accommodation  
  31. Diversity
  32. Domesticated Animals #1
  33. Domesticated Animals #2  
  34. Economics 
  35. Economics of Resources and Magic
  36. Fairy Tales
  37. Families
  38. Fantasy Cartography with Christian Stiehl
  39. Fashion  
  40. First Sentences
  41. Food
  42. Food, Agriculture, and Diet
  43. Friendship
  44. Games 
  45. Gardens
  46. Gender
  47. Gender in Language
  48. Gender Roles
  49. Genre and Description
  50. Gestures  
  51. Hair
  52. Hats and Other Headgear
  53. Heroes 
  54. High Culture and Low Culture
  55. Hobbies and Crafts
  56. Holidays
  57. Hospitality
  58. How Realistic Does a Created World Have to Be?
  59. How to Keep Rich Worldbuilding from Bogging Down Your Story
  60. Humor and Pranks 
  61. Idioms and Proverbs
  62. Illness and Medicine 
  63. Illnesses, Ailments, and Medicine
  64. In-Group Marking (Nicknames, Secret Handshakes, etc.)
  65. Inheritance
  66. Insults, Privilege, and Power Language
  67. Invasive Species
  68. Jobs 
  69. David J. Peterson and Lawrence Schoen, Language Design
  70. Language Barriers
  71. Links between Physical and Social in Worldbuilding
  72. Literacy and Technology
  73. Magic Systems 
  74. Making Up Words
  75. Manners, Round 1
  76. Manners, Round 2
  77. Martial Arts, and how they are portrayed in film (video only)
  78. Matching Culture and Character Motives
  79. Mental Illness - social impacts
  80. Metaphors
  81. Misunderstandings  
  82. Modesty
  83. Morals and Values 
  84. Music and Worldbuilding
  85. Mythology
  86. Natural Disasters
  87. Names, Titles, and Their Social Significance 
  88. Naming Characters
  89. Neurotypical or Not? with Lillian Csernica
  90. Non-Auditory Languages 
  91. Oceans
  92. Parenting
  93. Personal Faith
  94. Personal Titles, Honorifics, etc.
  95. Pets 
  96. Physical Exercise
  97. Place Names and Geography
  98. Point of View Characters as Ambassadors to Your World (1) 
  99. Political Systems
  100. Pregnancy and Parenthood
  101. Privacy 
  102. Privilege and Intersectionality
  103. Pronouns
  104. Prosthetics 
  105. Psychology 
  106. Realism in Worldbuilding
  107. Religion 
  108. Religion 2 - daily practices and diversity
  109. Religious Privilege
  110. Research
  111. Roads and Infrastructure
  112. Roles in Government
  113. Rewards and Motivation 
  114. Schools and Education
  115. Seasons
  116. Setting up Alternate Social Parameters
  117. Social Media
  118. Social Stereotypes 
  119. Sports, with Tim Wade
  120. Strength and Weakness
  121. Subconscious Worldbuilding
  122. Suspension of Disbelief and the "Show, Don't Tell" of Worldbuilding
  123. Swearing 
  124. Threats vs. Acceptance
  125. Tools
  126. Travel
  127. Vermin
  128. Villains 
  129. Water
  130. Worldbuilding Process (summary only)
  131. Worldbuilding Under the Radar

SPECIAL GUESTS: (Alphabetical by last name)

  1. Brad Beaulieu, The Lays of Anuskaya
  2. Aliette de Bodard, Obsidian and Blood/ Xuya/ House of Shattered Wings 
  3. Bo Bolander and And You Shall Know Her by the Trail of Dead
  4. Jenn Brissett, Elysium
  5. Maurice Broaddus, The Knights of Breton Court/ Pimp my Airship
  6. Maurice Broaddus, The Voices of Martyrs
  7. Joyce Chng/J. Damask, Wolf at the Door/ Rider Trilogy 
  8. Myke Cole, Breach Zone 
  9. Carrie Cuinn, Semiotics and Worldbuilding Without Visual Imagination
  10. Alyx Dellamonica, The Nature of a Pirate
  11. Malon Edwards, The Half-Dark Promise and other stories
  12. Eva Elasigue, Bones of Starlight
  13. Fábio Fernandes, Obliterati
  14. Laura Anne Gilman, Silver on the Road
  15. Laura Anne Gilman, The Cold Eye
  16. Randy Henderson, Finn Fancy Necromancy
  17. Nancy Hightower, The Acolyte 
  18. N. K. Jemisin, The Broken Earth Trilogy/The Fifth Season  
  19. Jeffe Kennedy and Pages of the Mind
  20. Fonda Lee and Exo 
  21. Stina Leicht and Cold Iron
  22. Stina Leicht - The Fey and the Fallen  
  23. Tonya Liburd, Through Dreams She Moves
  24. Henry Lien and Pearl - also, the world premiere of Radio SWFA!
  25. Ken Liu, The Grace of Kings
  26. Ken Liu, The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories
  27. Ken Liu, The Wall of Storms 
  28. Pat MacEwen, Coyote Song, and Forensics
  29. Usman T. Malik, The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn and other stories 
  30. Marshall Ryan Maresca, An Import of Intrigue
  31. Haralambi Markov, The Language of Knives
  32. Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Signal To Noise  
  33. Megan O'Keefe, Steal the Sky
  34. Cat Rambo, Beasts of Tabat
  35. Kelly Robson, Waters of Versailles
  36. Deborah J. Ross, The Seven-Petaled Shield
  37.  Sofia Samatar, A Stranger in Olondria and The Winged Histories
  38. Nisi Shawl, Everfair
  39. Andrea Stewart, The Changeling Wars
  40. Isabel Yap, Milagroso, The Oiran's song, and other stories 
  41. Alvaro Zinos-Amaro and Traveler of Worlds

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